We want you to feel at home in Omaha, NE, and well, you need a home to do that! Fortunately, Bill Swanson and The Swanson Group know how to connect people to the right houses, and the right areas of our community. In today’s blog, we’re looking at a unique strategy for finding the right place!
When we settle on your criteria and begin the search, you’ll have a link to an app that brokers use to input houses once they hit the market. Many people become overwhelmed with the sheer number of results, and may have difficulty finding a single home that meets all their criteria. To help people find the right place for their families, we’ve had a lot of luck with our 80-10-10 strategy. Essentially, you will look for a house that has about 80% of everything you want. The home should also have 19% of things you like, but could easily change in the future if you want to update your home to change the style, such as paint, trim, and fixtures. You should also look for one with 10% of what you would have liked, but could easily live without. This helps people find the place that fits their needs, without holding out for the 100% pitch perfect house that may not be available, causing the search to drag on. That said, we’re never in a hurry, and we need pressure to rush our clients!
What Happens When I Find One?
When you do find the right house, we can work with you to make an offer that is fair for all parties involved. The seller will then respond with an acceptance, ejection or counter offer, and we can help you in these situations as well. We can also discuss options like a personalized letter to help you plead your case and give yourself an edge over other potential buyers. At no point are you never alone in the process, we will help you with every single step. When we say we offer constant contact, we mean it.
Get Started Today!
If you’re looking at a place in Omaha and are moving from elsewhere, or if you want to upgrade or downsize in our community, we can help. We’ve also helped people looking to add rental properties to their portfolio too. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and give us a call.
Visit Your Omaha, NE Real Estate Team Today
Our team wants to help you find a house that makes you feel at home. If you want to find out more about locating the best place for you, your family, or your portfolio, then please call our Omaha, NE real estate group today at 402-679-6566.
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