Everyone loves saving money, especially when it doesn’t involve a huge lifestyle change. If you’re a homeowner looking to save some money on a monthly basis, start with your utilities. Are they running as efficiently as they could be? By taking a few steps on a daily or monthly basis, you can often improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling utilities and save yourself some funds that you can put toward a home renovation or a night out. Here are some little things that you should check before you decide to tear out your old units and replace everything.

Find Out How Much Sun Is Coming Into Your Home

Sunlight is a powerful force that affects not only the rotation of the Earth, but also your utility bills! If your home is flush with windows, you probably get to enjoy plenty of natural light. However, you should make sure you’re regulating that natural light as the seasons change. Leaving the curtains open allows sunlight in, which in turn, can heat up your home. During the summer months, close your blinds and curtains to reduce your air conditioner usage.

Uninhibit Your Air Conditioning Unit

HVAC units can be temperamental, and each home is different when it comes to its layout and how efficiently the home heats up or cools down. Before you decide to replace an A/C unit, make sure you’re allowing the unit to be as efficient as possible. Check on your outdoor unit and make sure that nothing is hindering its ability to function. Plants, debris, and your old junk (depending on how messy you are) can block the unit and prevent it from running at peak capacity. You should also change out the air filter inside your home on a monthly basis. A dirty air filter again reduces the efficiency at which your home can change its temperature.

Do You Have Ceiling Fans?

If your home has ceiling fans, do you use them? During the summer months, ceiling fans can make a huge difference in the internal temperature of your home. If you run ceiling fans, then you may be able to turn your thermostat up by a few degrees, which can save you tons of money in utility costs, depending on the size and layout of your home. Ceiling fans cool the area that you’re using, which is a more efficient way to control the temperature inside.

Evaluate Your Thermostat Tendencies

Another basic way to save yourself some money is to evaluate your own habits. Where do you keep the thermostat during the summer and winter months? Could you turn the temperature up or down by a couple degrees? Even this small habitual change can really add up to utility savings in the long run.

If You’re Buying a Home in Omaha, Reach out to The Swanson Group

If you’re looking to purchase a new home or sell your current home, reach out to The Swanson Group. Our experienced team can help you find a home and neighborhood that are right for you. Start working with Bill, Chris, and Faith of The Swanson Group by contacting our Omaha, NE office at 402-679-6566.